


第一章 场地

Goalposts and the crossbar may be a combination of the four basic shapes

第十章 确定比赛结果

Yellow cards (YCs) and warnings are not carried forward into kicks from the penalty mark (KFPM) 黄牌不会带入踢球点球决胜阶段(点球大战) See also changes to Law 14 relating to KFPM 同时关注第十四章相关规则修改

第十一章 越位

Deliberate handball by a defending player is considered ‘deliberate play’ for offside 关于越位,防守队员蓄意手球视为“蓄意/有意触球”

第十二章 犯规与不正当行为

Handball 手球 the boundary between the shoulder and the arm is defined as the bottom of the armpit (see the diagram on p. 14) 肩部与手臂的分界由下图定义 ‘accidental’ handball by an attacking player (or team-mate) is only penalised if it occurs‘immediately’ before a goal or clear goal-scoring opportunity 判罚进攻(或其队友)的“意外”手球,(触发条件)如果出现在“立即”进球得分或者明显的进球得分机会之前 A goalkeeper can receive a YC or be sent off (RC) for ‘illegally’ touching the ball a second time after a restart (e.g. goal kick, free kick etc.) even if the touch is with the hand/arm 守门员可以因为在比赛恢复(例如:球门球、任意球等)“违规”二次触球而得到的黄牌(警告)或者红牌(罚令出场),即使触球部位是手或者手臂 Any offence (not only a foul) which ‘interferes with or stops a promising attack’ should result in a YC 任何“干扰或破坏一次有希望的进攻机会”的违规(不限于犯规)都应该得到黄牌 A player who fails to respect the 4m required distance at a dropped ball should receive a YC 球员在坠球时,不遵守规则规定的4米应当得到黄牌 If the referee plays advantage or allows a ‘quick’ free kick for an offence which ‘interfered with or stopped a promising attack’, the YC is not issued 如果在裁判在“干扰或破坏一次有希望的进攻机会”的犯规后,掌握了有利或允许“快发”任意球,黄牌不予出示。

第十四章 球点球

An offence by the goalkeeper is not penalised if a penalty kick misses the goal or rebounds from the goal (without a touch from the goalkeeper) unless the offence clearly affected the kicker 如果一球点球罚失或击中门框弹出(球未被守门员触及),守门员的违规没有影响到踢球者就不需要被判罚 The goalkeeper is warned for the first offence; it is a YC for any further offence(s) 守门员在第一次违规给予口头警告,在第二次及以后时给予黄牌警告 The kicker is penalised if the goalkeeper and the kicker offend at exactly the same time 球点球罚球与对方守门员同时违规,处罚罚球队员


Only one ‘TV signal’ is required for a VAR-only review 在VAR复检时,仅要求出示一次“TV”手势


A definition of the offence of holding has been included 加入“拉扯”的文字定义 A player’s position at a restart is the position of the feet or any part of the body which is touching the ground (except as outlined in Law 11 – Offside) 在比赛恢复时,球员所在的位置为脚或者身体任意接触地面的部位(第十一章-越位中规则除外)



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